Archive of ‘inspiration’ category

The genius of Kerouac

Recently, I came across this quote by Kerouac, and it really struck a chord. The idea of living a life of adventure, blessing others, and living without regrets or apologies is a powerful one.

I hope this brings a little inspiration to your day.


Live Travel Adventure Bless




This song always makes me smile. I am a sucker for a good motivational tune, and I’m not afraid to admit it. What are you doing today that brings out your brave side?






For the tough days

Sometimes I have to remind myself not to take on other people’s energy as my own.

Do you ever have that struggle?

You know how it can be when someone is in a bad mood and they take it out on you, or office politics and gossip start to weigh you down. When I start to feel myself going down the rabbit hole and absorbing some of that negativity, I like to tell myself “Not my circus; not my monkeys.” It’s a gentle reminder to let it go.

I hope this little monkey brightens your day and reminds you that you don’t have to carry around other people’s monkeys.


Have a great weekend!



Are you living wild and free?

Do you feel like you’re living your most wild & free life? Lately, I’ve been seeing lots of reminders around me that life is precious and short. It makes me want to reevaluate my life and think about making a bucket list of adventures and experiences to have during my lifetime.

One of my biggest joys is traveling, and I would love to go to Antarctica. What is an item on your bucket list? Spill the beans!



A quote poster to brighten your day

Last week I asked my Facebook fans to share their favorite quotes so I could create a couple of fun typographical posters based on their quotes. Here is the first one, in two different versions. Which version is your favorite?

Home is Wherever I'm with You Home is Wherever I'm with You Photo Version


Don’t know about you, but I’ll be humming this song all day!






Friday Glitter and Why Dance Breaks Might Be the Most Important Part of Your Day



This week I flew off to Salt Lake City for a business conference with other female entrepreneurs to learn, fellowship, and even do a little dancing. I donned these glittery heels for a lively evening dance sess. Throughout the conference, there were little dance breaks built in, and I noticed that my attention was ultra-focused after each mini dance intermission. You know the afternoon doldrums that tend to hit hard when you’re sitting in a chair all day? Gone. My attention? Laser focused. The constant yawning? None of that.

It really got me thinking. There’s good research that says that breaks throughout your workday are really important for productivity. Plus, dancing has been shown to be good for brain health.So, will regular dance breaks sprinkled throughout the workday make us more productive, creative, and healthy? Based on my experience in the last few days, I’m going to venture a guess that that answer is “Yes!” Would you like to join me in this experiment?

Have a great weekend, and I’ll see you on the other side!
